Eurofurence 28

Eurofurence Art Show

So, you are an artist? A sculptor? A painter? Your topic is furry, and you are looking for the right place to show your works to the public? Then the Eurofurence Art Show is just the right event for you! The Eurofurence Art Show is one of Europe's major display / sales exhibitions for furry-themed artwork. Everybody who has an interest in furry art is wholeheartedly invited to take part.

You are an attendee interested in bidding on the exhibits and do not plan on exhibiting anything in the Art Show yourself? We've got you covered as well! Head straight on to the information for bidders down below.

Please note that the artist rules and the signup process have changed since 2023. Some of these changes are due to time and space limitations, some are trials for improving our processes. If you have participated in the Eurofurence Art Show in the past in any role, make sure you are up to date with the details.

Panel Assignment and Timetable

The panel assignment and timetable for the Eurofurence Art Show are now available.
Questions? Join the official Telegram Q&A Group:

Please visit the Links below to find out more.

Documents for the Artists

Artist Signup

To register as an artist for the Eurofurence Art Show, please read the following document, which contains information on the pricing, the registration, and the panel distribution process (including the possibility of using an agent).

You will also need to read the next two chapters Artist Rules and Artist Guide, which inform you about acceptable exhibits and contain important information e.g. on panel measurements. Register only after you are sure you understand the rules and the technical details. Every convention is different in its specifics, so you don't want to assume.

By registering, you agree to observe the rules in their entirety.

The deadline for applications is the 30th of April, 2024. Applying after this date is possible, but subject to remaining capacity.

Artist Rules

Here are the full rules for the show. Yes, some of them are rather strict. We're sorry, but there are legal considerations that govern some of them. We'll do our best to accommodate you nonetheless.

Artist Guide

This chapter will provide you with all the information that has not been covered by the signup or the rules section. What does the Art Show look like? What are the panel sizes? How will art be hung on the panel? Photos are available to answer your questions. Prepare your art for hanging – in a way that it does not easily fall down and get damaged.

Bidder Information

Below, you will find the information for bidding on a piece in the Art Show.

The most important information: Payment is only possible in cash (in Euro)! No electronic transfer or credit card payment can be accepted.

Bidders need to check in at the Art Show entrance to receive bid stickers which are needed for bidding. Please do not wait until the last second to pick up your stickers – we can handle only so many bidders per hour.

The complete rules can be found here:

By bidding in the Art Show, you agree to these rules. Of course, you can visit the Art Show just for pleasure and are not required to become a bidder.

Any More Questions?

You can always ask us a question. We don't bite. Mostly. Just contact the Art Show Managers.