Eurofurence 28

Dealers’ Den Rules & Information

Dealers' Den Hours | Obtainting a Dealership | Before the Dealers' Den Opens | Dealers' Den Setup | The Dealers’ Den is Open! | Dealers' Den Teardown

The Short Version

Sales in the Dealers’ Den are only allowed by registered dealers in authorized dealerships within designated spaces. Sharing space at a dealership with unauthorized dealers is not allowed.

To be eligible for registration as a dealer or dealer assistant, a previous registration for Eurofurence (the event) is mandatory. After an additional registration on the Dealers’ Den website, a chosen dealership package is added to the dealer’s existing registration for the event.

Electricity is available for dealerships. We offer electricity for low-power consumption devices only.

Dealerships are available in different (table) sizes. During Dealers’ Den registration, the desired size and table configuration can be applied for. Dealership space is limited, and the Dealers’ Den Management will try to accommodate as many artists and dealers as possible without cutting down or denying requested space upon availability. During placement, we will also try to consider requests in regard to location and dealership neighbors.

Dealership applications will be queued into a curated system; the application will be reviewed by the Dealers’ Den Management, approved or declined, then placed. Payment for dealerships is not due until the dealer has confirmed their assigned dealership size. Placement in the room commences thereafter. The period for application will be approximately one month.

Any dealerships not initially accepted will be placed on a waiting list. If a dealership space becomes re-available due to cancellation of another dealer, the next best match based on curation from the waiting list will be contacted. There might be last-minute sales of canceled dealership spaces at the convention itself.

Dealership packages are non-refundable and cannot be canceled. However, transfers of dealership packages are possible but can only be initiated and approved by the Dealers' Den Management. Dealers cannot select or nominate individuals from the waiting list for a transfer to bypass the curation process. If a transfer is desired, please contact the Dealers' Den Management with your suggestion. All transfer requests will be considered by the management team, who will have the final say in the approval of the new dealer.

Dealers will have setup slots on Wednesday evening and early Thursday to set up and prepare their dealerships. A convention badge is required for Dealers’ Den Check-In; for all dealers and their assistants.

Items and services in violation of applicable rules or laws must not be offered. Adult material is only permissible on public display in the “After Dark” section of the Dealers’ Den. Dealership build-ups must not reach into other dealerships or walkways. Lights, music or sound, and strong smells or fumes must be kept to a minimum.

The sale or offering of items that imitate third-party copyrighted material is prohibited. For further information, please refer to the full details down below.

Teardown begins on Saturday at 18:00. All dealerships must be cleared out, and dealers must check out with the Dealers’ Den Staff no later than 20:00. Each dealer is responsible for cleaning up their dealership area. Before leaving the Dealers' Den, a checkout with a Dealers’ Den staff member is required. Please visit the help desk to complete your checkout process before departing.

Dealers’ Den Staff have a say on all matters. The Dealers’ Den Management’s decisions are final.

Any person requesting a dealership at Eurofurence is required to agree to and accept the “Dealers’ Den Rules” set in this document.

If you have any questions after reading the Dealers’ Den Rules & Information and the FAQ, please feel free to email us at

Dealers’ Den Hours

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024. (Con-Day 1)
18:30 – 21:30 Dealer Registration & Setup in Hall H
18:30 – 21:30 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only
21:30 onward Off limits to all, including dealers.*
Thursday, September 19th, 2024. (Con-Day 2)
10:00 – 12:00 Dealer Registration in Hall H
10:00 – 12:00 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only
12:00 – 13:00 Admission for Super Sponsors only
13:00 – 14:00 Admission for Super Sponsors + Sponsors only
14:00 – 18:00 Admission for all Attendees
18:00 – 18:30 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only to close dealerships
18:30 onward Off limits to all, including dealers.*
Friday, September 20th, 2024. (Con-Day 3)
12:00 – 13:00 Dealer Registration in Hall H
12:00 – 13:00 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only
13:00 – 18:00 Admission for all Attendees
18:00 – 18:30 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only to close dealerships
18:30 onward Off limits to all, including dealers.*
Saturday, September 21st, 2024. (Con-Day 4)
11:00 – 12:00 Dealer Registration in Hall H
11:00 – 12:00 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only
12:00 – 18:00 Admission for all Attendees
18:00 – 20:00 Dealers / Dealer Assistants only for Teardown

*Subject to Dealers’ Den Management discretion. The room will be completely secured during this time.

Glossary and Terms


The dealer is the single person ultimately responsible for the dealership and the authority for questions from staff. A dealer can only run one dealership. A dealer needs a valid Eurofurence event registration to purchase a dealership package and for the on-site Dealers’ Den Check-In.

Dealer Assistant

Any person working in a dealership needs to be registered as a dealer assistant. A dealer assistant is supporting the dealer, while holding the same access and sales privileges as the respective dealer themself. Dealer assistant status is particularly important during setup and teardown, as only dealers and dealer assistants are granted access into the Dealers’ Den during those times. Dealerships may have multiple dealer assistants, based on the size of the dealership. Each dealer assistant can only be assigned to one dealership, while still being permitted to support other dealerships. Dealer assistants need a valid Eurofurence event registration for the on-site Dealers’ Den Check-In.


A dealership consists of one or more tables under the exclusive control of a single dealer, supported by dealer assistants, to display, give away, advertise, offer or sell items, merchandise or services.

Types and Sizes

Dealership Package Half
■ ■
Full Plus
■ ■ ■
Double Length
■ ■ ■ ■
Double Width
■ ■
■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■


65 cm x 65 cm 130 cm x 65 cm 195 cm x 65 cm 260 cm x 65 cm 130 cm x 130 cm 260 cm x 130 cm


69 cm – 71.5 cm
(bottom of table to top of the table)


1 2 3 4 2 4

Maximum Dealer Assistants

1 1 2 3 1 3

Price for all 3 days

50 € 100 € 150 € 200 € 200 € 400 €
Tables are usually located in rows, typically in groups of several tables. Dealerships will be next to each other. Electrical power up to 100 Watts average is included. A different table configuration may be offered to a dealership and is subject to availability.
⛶ Show Visualization

Joint Dealership

A joint dealership is a venture of a dealer registered for a dealership above the type “Half”, sharing their dealership space with an authorized dealer without dealership space.

Dealers’ Den Registration

The dealer registration and application for a dealership made in the Dealers’ Den registration System available at

Eurofurence Registration

The attendee registration for the Eurofurence event available at

Obtaining a Dealership

Step I: Application

The application period for dealers will open on 2nd February 2024 and will be accessible up to and including 3rd March 2024.

To be eligible for registration as a dealer or dealer assistant, a previous registration for Eurofurence (the event) via the Eurofurence Registration System is mandatory. After registering for the event a dealership application can be submitted on the Dealers’ Den website During Dealers’ Den registration, the desired size and table configuration for the dealership can be applied for.

Dealership applications without valid previous event registration will be canceled.

After carefully reading, filling out and sending the dealership registration an email confirmation will automatically be sent to confirm our receiving of the application. This notification is NOT a confirmation for the dealership!

The Dealers’ Den Management will review submissions after the registration period has ended. Status emails about approval, denial, or being put on the waiting list will be sent after the review. Upon approval, the dealer’s Eurofurence registration will be updated with a dealership package. The package will show up as an extra amount due in the dealer’s registration. Payment is handled through the Eurofurence Registration website.

Please note that any and all additional obligations like trade fair and exhibition visa, sales tax or income tax declarations have to be fulfilled by the dealership. Eurofurence expects all dealerships to be fully aware of their responsibilities in accordance with applicable law in Germany as well as their country of origin and will neither assist nor advise on these matters. Please set up an appointment with your nearest German embassy or consulate regarding questions about the application process for a trade fair and exhibition visa / Schengen visa.

Step II: Approval

Dealerships at Eurofurence will be approved on a curated basis.

Curation will be performed by Dealers’ Den Management. Dealerships will be assigned based on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:

  • Merchandise – relevance of the offered items and services to the furry fandom and interests of attendees.
  • Quality – assessed quality of the offered item, based on information and photographs from a dealer’s website, prior dealerships of the dealer, and/or additional information.
  • Variety – overall number of different dealerships offering items or services of the same kind.

The Dealers' Den team at Eurofurence is dedicated to supporting emerging talent from the furry community. We reserve some tables exclusively for new dealers, providing them with an opportunity to gain exposure and build an audience. Your 'popularity' – however that's measured – is not a factor in the curation process. This includes follower counts on social media, image-sharing platforms, or recognition in furry communities. Our aim is to showcase fresh and diverse talent, and we encourage new, emerging, and lesser-known artists to apply to the Dealers' Den.

Dealers may be offered an alternative dealership size depending on availability.

Dealership applications must be completed in full to be considered. The responsibility for completing an incomplete application solely rests with the respective dealer. Dealers’ Den staff is not responsible to complete any application nor prompted to ascertain any missing information.

The date of registration neither influences the amount of dealership space nor the chance of any dealership space being allocated to a dealer at all.

Step III: Payment

After dealership approval, the dealer’s Eurofurence event registration will be updated to include the fee for the assigned dealership. The dealer is required to pay the fee at the same time as their respective Eurofurence event registration fee, using their preferred payment method.

Placement of dealerships with fees still due on their Eurofurence registration is not possible. If payment is overdue, Dealers’ Den Management may cancel an application and offer the space to the next dealer on the waiting list.

Eurofurence e.V. handles all transactions in Euro (€). Fees must be paid via credit or debit cards. Eurofurence e.V. does not accept PayPal, cash payment or any other method of payment. All payments must be handled through the Eurofurence Registration System. Do never send any credit card information via email!

Step IV: Placement

Upon completion of payment, Dealers’ Den Management will commence dealership placement, based on requests and space availability. Although dealership placements are not final until the start of the event, an email containing the preliminary dealership placement will be sent to each dealer for information. Dealers’ Den management is open for any suggestions any dealer may offer about alternative placement.

Waiting List

Any dealerships not initially accepted in Step II will be placed on a waiting list curated under the same factors. Information about this status will also be sent to the respective dealer after Step IV is completed. Changes to the original application (including requests for different dealership sizes) via email reply to the waiting list information might lead to a re-evaluation of the application on the waiting list.

If a dealership space becomes re-available due to cancellation of another dealer, the next best match based on curation from the waiting list will be contacted. There will be limited time to respond, usually only about a week. Once the dealer has confirmed their newly assigned dealership size, the corresponding dealership package will be added to the dealer’s Eurofurence registration, and the payment will be due immediately.

There might be last-minute sales of canceled dealership spaces on a first-come, first-serve basis at the convention itself, starting 12:00 (noon) on Thursday for unclaimed dealerships.


If a dealer can no longer make use of their dealership, they are asked to contact Dealers’ Den Management via email in a timely manner. Not doing so is considered unfair to dealers who are on the waiting list and will lead to a lower priority during curation on future events for the dealer.

Dealership packages are non-refundable and cannot be canceled. However, transfers of dealership packages are possible but can only be initiated and approved by the Dealers' Den Management. Dealers cannot select or nominate individuals from the waiting list for a transfer to bypass the curation process. If a transfer is desired, please contact the Dealers' Den Management with your suggestion. All transfer requests will be considered by the management team, who will have the final say in the approval of the new dealer.

Before the Dealers’ Den Opens

Dealers’ Check-In for 2024 will be located in Hall H - Segment “Arts & Crafts” and opened after the Opening Ceremony on Wednesday. Entering the Dealers’ Den without checking in and receiving dealer’s credentials will not be possible.

Each dealer and their assistant(s) must personally present their official Eurofurence attendee badge at Dealers’ Check-In. A dealer assistant can also be checked in in the absence of the respective dealer.

Any dealer arriving later than Thursday 12:00 is required to contact Dealers’ Den Management to prevent their dealership from being canceled and sold. Any dealer failing to claim their dealership without informing Dealers’ Den Management in advance will affect their curation priority for future events.

Dealers’ Den Setup

On Site Dealers’ Check-In

  • Setup for dealers will be possible during the times scheduled. Dealers may use a non-motorized cart to carry in their goods during this time only. Please contact Dealers’ Den Staff in advance if this might pose an issue for you.
  • It is not possible to have any items sent to or stored at the CCH in advance of Eurofurence taking place.
  • The maximum overall height of a dealership is the 'reachable height' of 230 cm. This applies to freestanding exhibition stands, standees, flags and other buildups. They must be securely fashioned in a way that prevents them from tipping or falling.
  • Any constructions on tables must not exceed a total height of 200 cm when measured from the floor. They must be securely fashioned and/or attached in a way that prevents them from tipping or falling, they must be lightweight enough to preserve the table's overall stability, and they must not cause any damage to the table itself.
  • Build-ups must not reach into other dealerships or walkways.

Dealerships and build-ups will constantly be checked by Dealers’ Den Staff to ensure a safe environment for everyone.

The Dealers’ Den is Open!

Dealers’ Den will open to attendees at the time scheduled in the ConBook. An initial admission period is reserved for Sponsors and Super Sponsors before general admission begins. Super Sponsors have all-time access through a dedicated queue during all regular opening hours.

Guidelines on Dealerships

All dealerships include approximately one meter of space behind them. Each dealership is required to maintain sufficient walking space to enable other dealers to move in and out. Pre-arranged safety paths for exit and emergency evacuation in between dealerships must not be obstructed; merchandise must not reach into these paths. Tables shall not be moved without approval of Dealers’ Den Management.

Upon request, tables and chairs may be removed from a dealership.

With the exception of “Half”, all dealership packages can be shared with another authorized dealer. The dealer sharing the dealership is solely responsible for the joint dealership and payment therefore. A potential distribution of costs for the joint dealership between the dealers lies in the responsibility of the dealers involved in the joint dealership.

Any change of a joint dealership or a dealership of the type “Half” requires the consent of all dealers involved, as well as the notification and approval of the Dealers’ Den Management.

Guidelines on Merchandise

  • Items offered for sale in the Eurofurence Dealers’ Den should be related to the anthropomorphic theme of the convention or should have a broad appeal to furries and others in attendance of Eurofurence.
    • Typical items for sale are (badge) commissions, original furry artwork and prints, Digital Media with artwork, furry-themed jewelry and fursuit materials as well as plushies made of faux fur.
  • Any item that is prohibited for sale is also not permitted for display, giveaway, advertisement or delivery. Items generally prohibited for sale include, but are not limited to:
    • weapons and weapon look-alikes,
    • items and symbols of forbidden organizations according to §86 and §86a of the German Penal Code (StGB) (Nazi symbols and others),
    • items with symbols relating to groups associated with the “alt furry” movement,
    • items with variations or modifications similar enough to be mistaken for a symbol mentioned above or intentionally obscured renderings of those symbols,
    • any kind of drugs and medications,
    • items depicting pedophilia or zoophilia,
    • items depicting any kind of excessive violence, cruelty or rape.
  • Items made of real fur or animal body parts, including taxidermy, clothing or accessories are prohibited. Items made from leather are accepted.
  • The sale of food and beverages for direct consumption is not allowed anywhere in the Convention Center, including the Dealers’ Den. Consumable items in closed containers can be permitted for sale with explicit (written) permission of the Dealers’ Den Management in individual cases.
  • The sale or offering of items that reproduce or otherwise directly imitate third parties’ copyrighted material without explicit, written permission from the copyright holder is strictly forbidden. The responsibility to ensure proper permission for use of copyrighted material rests solely with the Dealer. It is the Dealer's responsibility to ensure that the written permission is available to Dealer's Den management in either English or German. Other languages require a certified written translation.

If an item or service requires a specific permit or a license for offering or selling the item or service, the Dealer is required to present the permit or license upon request at any time.

Any item that violates this policy may be banned from display or sale on the sole discretion of the Dealers’ Den Management. Copyrighted items prohibited for sale include, but are not limited to, unlicensed depictions of any characters appearing in any media or counterfeit merchandise of any kind.

Unlike Common Law countries, the German copyright law does not include a general Fair Use / Fair Dealing exception. Dealers are advised to inform themselves about compliance with European and German copyright law, applicable trademarks, as well as topics like parodies and fan art prior to their attendance. The Eurofurence Dealers’ Den Staff must not give any legal advice on this matter.

  • Items that were created using any kind of AI based generators are excluded from sale, display, trade or giveaway. This also applies to works (e.g. stories, audio, backgrounds), that are derived from such items.
  • No items shall be produced, displayed, given away, advertised, delivered or sold that bear the official “Eurofurence” logo or CI without explicit, written permission of the Board of Directors.

Any item that is deemed inappropriate may be banned from display or sale on the sole discretion of the Dealers’ Den Management or their deputies, namely the Dealers’ Den staff.

Guidelines on Sales

The Eurofurence Dealers’ Den is separated into a general area which is rated PG-13 (natural nudity without sexual focus) and an “After Dark” section which is considered “Rated R”.

  • In the general area artwork containing adult material shall either be shielded by sticky notes, stickers, or a similar covering, or ideally should be kept in a clearly-marked binder which shall be kept closed by the Dealer when it is not being viewed by a customer. Binders or portfolios containing uncensored artwork shall be separate from other binders. A tag or divider between material rated PG-13 and material rated “R” is not sufficient. Any censoring of artwork (pixelation, blurring, censorship bars) must be done to the satisfaction of Dealers’ Den Staff. In the “After Dark” area censoring is not needed.
  • Artwork or other items rated “R” shall be kept from public view and therefore handed to the customer in an nontransparent packaging that obscures the item completely, such as a bag, envelope, or folder. The customer can use their own packaging.
  • Five Senses Rule – The dealership’s display and merchandise shall not cause discomfort to Attendees or other Dealers in regard to sight, sound, smell, taste, or touch. This specifically concerns bright flashing lights, loudspeakers, and strong scents. Audio needs to be kept at such a volume that it does not disturb Attendees or other Dealers; headphones are recommended if audio is a primary selling point of the dealership. Any presentation that is deemed inappropriate may be interdicted on the sole discretion of the Dealers’ Den Management or their deputies.

Guidelines on Activities

  • In no event shall Eurofurence e.V. be liable for damages, injuries, breakage, or loss incurred to or caused by any Dealer or Attendee.
  • Any action or behavior that causes significant interference with Dealers’ Den operations, excessive discomfort to attendees, staff or other dealers or otherwise endangers people or property is strictly forbidden and may result in permanent suspension of dealer status.
  • Time spent at their respective dealership during Dealers’ Den opening hours is on the discretion of the dealer themselves. However, a substantial presence is appreciated.
  • Covering the dealership with a tablecloth or similar to protect goods from dirt or dust is recommended outside the official opening hours of the Dealers’ Den. Doing so is entirely on discretion of the dealer.
  • Any tablecloth, fabric or other materials used for covering or decoration purposes must comply with the "B1 - schwer entflammbar" (flame retardant) classification or better, in accordance with DIN 4102 or EN 13501-1 B - s1 d0 standards. To prove meeting this class, they must have a certificate, usually printed on the label. Please note that applying a flame-retardant spray to otherwise uncertified materials does not make them certified. The treated material (e.g., tablecloth) would need to undergo a full certification process, including all necessary tests, to verify its flame-retardant properties and receive such a certification.
  • Dealers are responsible for providing proof of certification of any tablecloth, fabric or other materials used for covering or decoration purposes. Proof can be provided in printed or digital form. If a dealer cannot provide sufficient proof of the flame-retardant certification for any material upon request, the material or item has to be removed. The responsibility to ensure proper certification for use of all objects and materials that need to follow DIN 4102 or EN 13501-1 B - s1 d0 standards rests solely with the Dealer. It is the dealer's responsibility to ensure that the cerfiticate is available to Dealer's Den management in either English or German. Other languages require a certified written translation.
  • Tablecloths and/or similar are not provided by Eurofurence.
  • Activities that cause dirt or contamination are not allowed.
  • Electricity is provided with the sole intent for usage by the Dealer with their own equipment and personal devices. The responsibility to ensure functional and electrical safety of own equipment and devices rests solely with the Dealer. Air compressors, laminators or any other high-power consumption devices, must explicitly be allowed by the Dealers’ Den Management during Setup.
  • There is a strict no smoking policy in the whole CCH. This also includes vaping.
  • Any equipment that produces an open flame or excessive heat is not allowed.

Arising issues about Dealers’ Den operations should be directly addressed with the Dealers’ Den Management on site. Urgent matters of any kind can be addressed to any member of Eurofurence Staff. Members of the press, usually accompanied by a member of the Eurofurence Press Team and Dealers’ Den Management to answer their questions may be present in the Dealers’ Den during opening hours.

Dealers’ Den Teardown

Closing, Cleanup, Check-out

  • Dealers’ Den closes on Saturday at 18:00. After that time only dealers and their assistants are permitted entry to and presence in the Dealers’ Den.
  • Teardown begins immediately after closing. Dealers are expected to dismount their displays, pack up their belongings and clear the room before 20:00.
  • Dealers are required to check out with Dealers’ Den Staff. Upon checkout, the dealer's respective dealership will be inspected by staff. Please visit the help desk to complete your checkout process.
  • Dealers leaving any amount of trash behind at their dealership will be charged a fixed cleaning fee of 100 €. Trash containers will be provided during Teardown by Eurofurence.

Administrative Details

  • Issues about Dealers’ Den operations, arising prior to or after the convention, should be addressed with the Dealers’ Den Management via email.
  • All decisions made by Dealers’ Den Management in regard to any issues concerning Dealers’ Den operations are final. When in doubt about any of the rules above, please don’t be afraid to ask - we will gladly answer all your questions. However, please understand that we will not debate these rules with you during the convention.
  • The Dealers’ Den Management reserves the right to revoke dealer status, dealer assistant status, dealerships, access to the Dealers’ Den, or any other granted privileges at any time for any reason, without refund.

Any person requesting a dealership at Eurofurence is required to agree to and accept the “Dealers’ Den Rules” set in this document.