Featured Artist: Rudzik
Hey there, fellow travelers of imagination! I'm Rudzik, a digital artist hailing from Germany.
I'm all about furry and fantasy art - think adorable fur creatures and majestic dragons!
Since 2020, Rudzik's been making magic happen full-time.
Let's embark on this creative journey together and explore the wonders of imagination in my enchanting art!
Links & Projects
Eurofurence Badger Addon
This brand-new browser addon will enhance your visit to the Eurofurence website by adding badges to pages that have been updated since you last viewed them!
Available for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
Third Party Attributions
- UIkit by YOOtheme GmbH (license)
- Hemi Head 426 by Larabie Fonts (license)
Website Team
Please direct any comments, ideas or critique about our website to the following folks:
Tech Support & Bug Report
Layout broken? Pages display weird content? You don't like the colors? We're grateful for every bug report (and feedback) you file in.
If you would like to include a screenshot, please upload it to any host and include a link in your report. After all, a picture says more than thousand words.
When doing so, please ensure that you include every detail about the circumstances, under which the bug occurred.