Eurofurence 28

Guest of Honor: Iris Schleuss

Iris SchleussIris Schleuss is a German puppeteer, director, and puppetry coach with an impressive portfolio in both theater and television. With over 20 years of experience in the field, she has brought to life multiple characters on "Sesamstraße," including Baby Lena, Knuspel, Fido, and the newest addition, Elin, a character who uses a wheelchair. In addition to her work on "Sesamstraße," Iris has contributed to numerous other productions. She has played the character Fidi in KiKA's "Baumhaus" and Mauli Maulwurf, among others, in "bigSmile" productions like Jan & Henry. Her film credits include "The NeverEnding Story III," where she assisted with the puppetry of Junior Rockchewer and the Unlucky Rabbit, among other characters.

Many are familiar with her work on "Käpt’n Blaubär," where she portrayed the characters of the flower „Karin" and the „Bärchen". Beyond her television and film achievements, Iris is a versatile theater performer. She leads the production "Theater Blickwechsel", a company dedicated to creating performances with objects, puppets, and shadows for audiences of all ages, from children to adults.

Iris Schleuss's dedication to her craft and her ability to bring characters to life has made her a beloved figure in the world of puppetry and a respected mentor and coach in the industry.

The PawPet Show Team at Work with Iris Schleuss

The PawPhet Show team The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work The PawPhet Show team at work