Eurofurence 29

Registration Statistics

Hello there, visitor , and welcome aboard station C-C-H!

It seems you have arrived here quite some time ahead of the Earth year 2025 iteration of our big annual event: Eurofurence!

My name is Nose Counting Computer 29, or NCC-29 for short and my primary directive is to keep tre…*static*…track of all current and potential future members of our crew. It seems that my language processor and long term memory banks are experiencing minor malfunctionsssssssss—so please excuse any…

Hello there, visitor , and… just kidding.

*without prior warning, a blindingly bright hologram flashes into life right in front of you and your eyes only slowly adjust to it*

As you can see — oh, sorry, let me turn down the brightness a bit.
As you can see here, we as of now (), we expect to have a total of during this years gathering of entities from all throughout our quadrant and beyond!

*the holographic charts suddenly reshuffle all around you in a dizzying flurry*

Taking a closer look, we can see that have just recently decided to join and are still waiting for the approval of their boarding pass purchase request (form BPPR-1; requires acceptance of Galactic Standard H2G2 (Holistic Holographic Gathering Guide)).
As this is just as easy as winning at four-dimensional chess, have already taken that hurdle and we are currently awaiting their credit transfer before issuing them a boarding pass.

A total of have already received their boarding passes after transfer of the full amount of credits owed into had been confirmed by our accounting droid.
Having successfully navigated both time and relative dimensions in space, did manage to already get their passes scanned and have already found Serenity in our Halls And Leisure area.

In case you were wondering if I can help you get there yourself: I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that. But I'm sure you'll find a system that can!

All in all, we can expect a real storm of visitors to troop into our station during the big event. So do make sure to bring your towel!

Total Registrations

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