Eurofurence 29


Everyone has the right to participate in public life and society, and no one should be disadvantaged because of their disability. Here we provide information on what we are doing to make our convention more accessible and provide a better experience for all attendees.


If you can not walk / stand, you do not have to queue up and wait in a line.

If you have a "Handicapped ID" (Behindertenausweis) or you are (without handicapped ID) disabled in regard of walking or standing (i.e. after an operation or because of an injury such as a broken foot/leg) or in need of a wheelchair you are not required to queue yourself at all for our events. The Queue Management Security Group will let you enter directly into the respective event at the command doors open.

Example for Handicapped ID: German "Behindertenausweis" with signs außergewöhnlich gehbehindert ("aG"), blind ("Bl") or hilflos ("H")


Every Show and Event is accessible with a wheelchair.

We normally have special seats/places reserved for physically handicapped Attendees and wheelchair users. Please ask any member of the Queue Management Security Group about them at the respective event. If you want to know more about the accessibility of the venue, please visit their website.

Flashing lights

Some of our events, like the dances and the main shows (i.e. opening ceremony), may include flashing lights.


The Congress Center Hamburg provides barrier-free access. Every room is accessible by wheelchair and there are 18 disabled parking spaces in total. You can find more detailed information about the accessibility of the CCH on their website.

The Dealers' Den

The Dealers’ Den is a lively and bustling area with priority access for attendees with mobility and standing limitations. However, the Dealers' Den can sometimes be crowded, noisy, and filled with various scents. If you need assistance, please reach out to the Dealers' Den Team at the Dealers' Den Help Desk or the Eurofurence Security near the entrance. For more information on how we are striving to make the Dealers' Den' a wonderful experience for everyone, including those with specific needs, visit our Visiting Dealers Den' page.

Quiet Room

If you're in need of some silence or rest, you can use the quiet room. It's a place where you can spend time away from noise, light, big crowds and other stimuli.

It's important to keep this place a quiet space, so please follow the rules. You can find them in the room and in the Conbook. For locations, please check the Conbook or the map in the App.

Service animal

Due to Convention Center rules, dogs (those without zippers) and other pet animals are generally not allowed on the CCH premises.

There are, however, circumstances under which an Attendee can bring an assistant dog (Assistenzhund), if the attendee and their dog are certified according to the German Assistenhundeverordnung (AHundV) and can provide the photo ID according to Att. 9 AHundV. Only valid certifications will be accepted.

Certifications for Assistant dogs can be verified OnSite in the Security Office at any time according to the AHundV. A verification is only valid for one convention and has to be renewed every year (in the same way).

Gender neutral bathrooms

There are gender neutral bathrooms available. For locations, please check the Conbook or the map in the App.

Sign language interpretation

Currently, we cannot provide sign language interpretation for our events. If you are in need of interpretation, please let us know anyway, so we can work on it in the future. Send an e-mail to

We try to have subtitles for some of our main shows. But we cannot guarantee them for every event yet.


Eurofurence strives to make its websites accessible.

This website is predominantly accessible. The requirements of WCAG 2.2 AA are largely met from a technical point of view.

Still, we have some points, that are not accessible or hardly accessible. We strive to eliminate those remaining barriers.

  • Modals are not accessible using only keyboard navigation.
  • Menu does not expand while only using keyboard navigation.
  • The graphics for the nose count are not accessible for some people with certain disabilities.

Feedback and contact

You can inform us of any issues in regards to our compliance with accessibility requirements by sending an e-mail to

At the convention, you can always ask a staff member. Staff member have orange (staff), red (director) or blue and yellow (security) lanyards and badge marks. We also provide call boxes with direct communication to Con Ops and/or Security.