Eurofurence 29

Con Book

As every year, we will have a con book as guide through the convention and its events, as map, and as souvenir. If you're interested in contributing content, here are the guidelines.

All contributions, requests, and notes should be sent to our Conbook department.

Deadline: TBA


(If you're an artist, this one is for you!)

  • The con book is in full color, so we prefer color illustrations as well.

  • We are looking for full page illustrations as well as smaller fillers.

  • The format for full page illustrations is A4, upright (210 x 297mm) plus 3mm cropping area along all edges, adding up to a total of 216 x 303 mm or 2551 x 3578 pixels at 300 dpi.

    How to Conbook

  • File format should be JPG set to highest quality (low information loss). Other formats are acceptable too but may cause issues due to the resulting file size.

  • For a full page illustration, do not draw anything important into the cropping area. Please avoid symmetrical motifs or motifs that rely on exact cutting of the page – for technical reasons, the cropping of the finished book may occur anywhere in the cropping area of each page.

  • Fillers that do not have an illustrated background (extracted cutouts) need to have a fully transparent image background, since the pages themselves will have their own color background. The foreground needs to be intransparent (opaque). Be careful about holes in the foreground (transparent) and white foreground elements (opaque)!

    How to Fillers

  • To submit illustrations that contain transparency, please use the PNG format.

  • The submission must NOT exceed PG-13 rating.

  • The artists for the cover art work and the centerfold will be chosen and approached directly by the team.

While there is no ongoing contest (the book's cover and centerfold have been assigned), there's still a challenge in getting into the book! Acceptance depends on quality, total number of images submitted, layout requirements, and the implementation of the con's topic! We will not be able to tell you immediately whether your submission makes the cut; this can be decided only in the final layout, so please be patient.

If you have graphic ideas other than illustrations which fit with the topic, you're welcome to submit them as well!

Even if your artwork does not get featured in the conbook itself, we will always try to include it if applicable in various media across the convention (e.g. banners, dance visuals ect.)

Please provide following information along with your submission:

  • Artist Name
  • Short Artist Description
  • Main gallery link
  • Profile picture of 500x500px (either showing your character or something you like or identify with)


Eurofurence supports fellow conventions! Ads for conventions are run free of charge, preferrably as ad exchange. The number of available spots for such ads are limited (and subject to layout needs), so let us know your interest early on!

We are aware that date requirements do not always allow a meaningful swap, so please add your convention's dates (including the con book deadlines) with your request.

Full color ads are supported. Formats compatible with the European norm A4 (A5, A6) are preferred. (See also the formatting hints under "Illustrations".)

The con book does not accept paid ads at this time due to mandatory taxes and other required overhead. The editorial department will run occasional ads by EF crew as a complimentary service and thank-you. These ads are selected at the discretion of the editor (and if necessary the con chair). Please send in your application early.


Due to space issues, we currently do not include stories or articles with the con book.