Eurofurence 29

Events at Eurofurence

Eurofurence is looking for panelists!

You've got something to show, tell or share? Then we would like to encourage you to run a panel, workshop, roundtable etc. of your own interest at this year's Eurofurence. The topic of your workshop can be anything related to furry and/or this year's theme. Everyone is welcome to share experiences, lead a discussion or even help others getting started with a new hobby and new inspiration.

As much as we like to see the experts at their profession holding panels about some very advanced topics, concepts and techniques, we also really like to see panelists holding introductory panels for beginners and newcomers, e.g. something as plain as how to draw basic forms like muzzles or an introductory panel to pawpeteering.

If you're still unsure about your idea, have never held a panel before or need any advice please don't hesitate to contact us. We will help you to get your idea on the road. Some of many good ideas for topics are:

Everything Furry

  • The Fandom (history, projects and the future)
  • Projects within our Fandom (i.e. running communities or services)
  • Furry Lifestyle (what makes being furry important to us in our daily life)

Art & Writing

  • Drawing (techniques, the right medium and inspiration)
  • Writing Furry Fiction (i.e. how you put magic into stories and how to develop a memorable plotline)
  • Animation (tips and tricks on how to bring characters to life)
  • Music (Can you feel the beat tonight? How to find your rhythm)


  • Acting & Personality (i.e. how to make your suit unique and interesting covering design and performance)
  • Building (the right materials, how to start and your personal tricks)

Theme & Other

  • Wildlife (knowledge, projects and all about our four-legged brothers)
  • Puppeteering (i.e. how to create and play authentic puppet characters)
  • Virtual Worlds (from FurryMuck to Second Life - How we express our alter ego on the Internet)

And, of course, everything that is related to Furry and/or this years theme!

Contact us or submit your idea now