Eurofurence 29

Space Expedition - Outer Space Adventures

September 3rd to 6th, 2025 , CCH Hamburg, Germany, Earth

EF Logo by Fleeks Your ship shudders as it leaves hyperspace, the loud humming of electricity slowly going quiet as it decelerates. You've spent days in transit, watching distant galaxies glide by as your vessel followed its programmed coordinates. Now your destination is finally within reach — Eurofurence, the legendary gathering of species from all across the stars. It had started as a myth, whispered about in dimly lit spaceports, but now here you are, approaching the massive glowing space station.

"Prepare for docking...", the automated voice of your ship drones out through the intercom, but you barely hear it. Your pulse quickens as the station grows larger through your windows. Its brilliant lights twinkle from every angle, and even from a distance, you can see the sprawling promenade where creatures of all shapes, sizes, and technologies are mingling. Aliens with iridescent fur, bipedal androids adorned with glowing patterns, and travelers like yourself! All seeking community and connections in this vast, lonely universe.

You hear the docking clamps secure your ship with a heavy thunk, barely taking time to gather your gear before you step into the airlock. The airlock takes as long as it always does, leaving you impatiently waiting until the outside door opens. As you step onto the ramp, you're greeted by all kinds of alien music, a fusion of rhythms and tones that seem to resonate with you. The space station's plaza stretches out before you, and immediately, you're swept into the current of creatures and beings who bustle about, laughing, sharing stories, trading pieces of technology, or showing off their elaborate outfits.

The air smells of exotic spices and synthetic fuel, a strange yet intoxicating mix. You are lost in the colors — vibrant banners ripple overhead, each representing a different planet or faction, while stalls overflow with holographic wares and artifacts from distant corners of the galaxy. Beyond, a massive viewport reveals the quiet splendor of the stars, a sharp contrast to the life teeming inside.

"Looking for something, Starfarer?" a voice pulls you from your trance. You turn around to see a feline creature, bipedal with sleek black and white fur, wearing a robe that shifts color as they move. Their eyes glitter with amusement. They flick their tail and gesture towards the neon-lit hall behind them. "The real wonders of this station are this way, trust me." Before you're able to respond, a floating drone hums by, offering a glowing badge that syncs with your neural implant.

A flash of information floods your vision: panels on intergalactic diplomacy, workshops on crafting your own custom exo-suits, and — your optics glitch for a second, showing a section titled "Dances of the Celestial Beasts". You blink, clearing the display. There's so much to see, so much to do.

You find your voice, the excitement bubbling up. "I want to see all of this." The feline grins, showing sharp teeth. "Good. The stars have more to offer than you can imagine." You follow them deeper into the heart of Eurofurence, where the pulse of the station’s life hums louder, pulling you in. You know this is just the beginning of your cosmic adventure. Out here, among kindred souls, it feels like you’ve finally found your place in the universe.

Newcomer's Guide

General Policies

First and foremost, as an attendee of Eurofurence, you must have read and agreed to all general policies.
Take your time and make sure you understand everything. If in doubt, contact our security department about questions regarding these rules.

You'll find all policies under "Policies", section "General Policies".

Furthermore, all policies listed under "Event Policies" apply to all attendees who attend certain events or activities at the convention.

Dates & Deadlines

There are various dates and deadlines to keep in mind. Generally, you'd want to keep track of registration, booking and payment dates:

  • Visit to log into your Eurofurence account and register once registration is open.
  • Hotel booking is separate and up to you. Check our venue page for some options.

Artists may additionally need to keep an eye on application deadlines for Art Show and Dealers' Den:

Fursuiters may want to keep the fursuit badge registration deadline in mind:

At the Convention

Once arrived at the convention, there are two very first things to do in no particular order:

  • Check in with the hotel at the reception and receive your room key.
  • Check in to the convention at our Registration Desk on-site and receive your convention badge, Con Book and various other goodies.
    To find the Registration Desk, check for available floor maps or ask other attendees or our staff.
    Outside of registration hours, you can register at any time at the Security Frontdesk.

If you ever need to identify our staff, that's easy:

  • Orange and red lanyards indicate staff members.
  • Blue & Yellow indicate our security personnel - they can not only answer all your questions, but they'll also keep you safe and are able to provide medical help, if need arises.

Working at Eurofurence

If you'd like to lend a helping hand at or around the convention, we've got a list of open positions to fill. Make sure to check the page frequently, as we keep updating it throughout the entire year.

Artists: Selling at Eurofurence

There are generally two ways of selling merchandise at Eurofurence: by auction in the Art Show / Art Auction and directly in the Dealers' Den or Artist Alley. All options except Artist Alley require you to to register beforehand until a given deadline and apply for a panel or table accordingly. Read on for deadlines and application processes: